Our Partners
We are growing a community of like minded people.
Meet our partners...
Airbox Zero
To ensure our sustainable production practices are not undone by the way we package and deliver PLC clothes to you, we work with Airbox, who run a carbon neutral business. With over 200 solar panels on its roof, Airbox’s warehouse saves 67000kw and 93.3 tonnes of Co2 a year.
Aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals
Everything we do at PLC is aligned with supporting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The SDGs are the guiding principles of PLC and recognize that ending poverty and inequality goes together with tackling climate change and working to preserve
the planet’s oceans and forests.
Avoided Deforestation, Peru
To offset the carbon used in our Lyocell clothing, we work with this conservation and sustainable harvesting project in the Madre de Dios region in southeast Peru. This project protects and sustainably manages 112,500 hectares of rainforest.
Biogas Plant, India
To offset the carbon we produce in shipping our clothes and cotton production we work with this a waste-to-energy anaerobic digestion plant which converts chicken litter into renewable energy sources. The project supports regional smallholders to implement sustainable agriculture.
First Mile
We deal with any waste we produce at PLC with First Mile who operate a zero-to-landfill approach. Anything that can’t be recycled or reused is incinerated in a process that generates electricity to power homes. Anything that can't be burnt is used for building materials.
Green Story
We work with Green Story, a platform that measures and communicates the environmental impact of PLC products. By
helping us understand the impact our clothes have on the planet, we can then share the positive impact of our products with
Harmanlik Wind Power, Turkey
To offset the carbon we use in the production of PLC clothing we work with this wind farm in Turkey, which displaces the need for fossil fuel generated electricity and reduces the amount of Co2 going into the atmosphere by 98,00 tons per year.
No Issue
No Issue are a sustainable packaging company who use circular materials and carbon offset all their shipping, and they’re happy to work with small companies like ours. All PLC clothing is packaged with No issue’s 100% recycled, recyclable, FSC certified tissue, paper, card and tape.
Simpli Zero
Simpli Zero are an extension of Green Story, and we work with them by supporting carbon offsetting and tree planting projects all over the world. By offsetting the carbon we produce in the making of PLC clothes we are working towards creating a climate solution that is within everyone’s reach.
If you are interested in joining our community and becoming a partner please email us at info@planetlovingcompany.com